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Organic Cultured Grass-Fed Ghee 8 oz: Let's give some clarity to this clarified butter thing...if it's not cultured, it's not traditional ghee. We are sure that there are those who wish to debate this, but traditional ghee is indeed cultured. That's why we insist on sourcing cultured, organic grass-fed butter from domestic family farms. We experimented with less expensive organic butters from New Zealand and Europe but found that nothing came close to the butter we could source right here in the good ol' U.S. of A. Fatworks Traditional Ghee is small-batch cooked and roasted to spoon-licking perfection.Try our Organic Grass Fed Cow Milk Ghee in baking, in a skillet or from the spoon. Also good in smoothies and even coffee to give you clean fat fuel for the day. Our grass fed cow ghee is Keto and Paleo friendly as well as being Lactose and Casein Free. So, step right up and get your Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, CLA, MCT and Omega 3s. The smoke point is over 480℉.
Made in United States

Fatworks: Organic Cultured Ghee, 7.5oz

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  • Welcome to Fatworks, the Fattitude Adjusters!Our big fat mission: to educate the mainstream population about the benefits of using REAL cooking oils like tallow, lard and duck fat while crafting these traditional fats the most natural way possible. For years fat has been marginalized, (no to mention margarinized), maligned, slandered, beat up, picked on and falsely accused! But no longer, for Fatworks is the Defenders of Fat! We have made it our mission to bring back traditional fat.

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